This is the question that many of you are asking these days, as we are very busy, popular people...especially Abbygail and Jordyn.
Geoff right now is playing the waiting game...and more waiting game. He found out that he can not apply for officer right now, because his job does not allow them to do it until half way thru each enlistment. He reinlisted 2 years ago for 6 years, so the earliest he can possibly do it is around Jan 2010. He has also been applying for random instructor jobs at various bases this past year or so. We are told unless he volunteers for a deployment or remote tour, this may be our only way to ever leave Lackland. The problem is, the AF isn't wanting to move people unless they have been on a base for AT LEAST 4 years. Our 4 year mark is this August, so we still have a couple months left. He has already been passed up for 2 of them he applied for because the report no later dates were Feb. 09 and it was waaaay too early for them to let him go. He recently applied for Minot AFB in North Dakota, and we are currently waiting to hear back. This one is just before his 4 year mark, so it could go either way. He is leaving in a few days for a 10 week TDY to Florida...unless he find out he got Minot.
Not much is going on for me really. I am staying super busy with all of Jordyn's appointments (more about this in Jordyn's update) Photography is super slow right not because of the fact that I just haven't had time to put into it. Also my lens broke, and its going to cost a bit to fix, so it kinda works out that I am not doing any sessions right now. Stacy VanDyck Photography is sponsoring Abby's soccer team at the YMCA, so Im hoping my business name getting put on on there jersey's will help bring in some business. I started going to the gym 3x a week. When Geoff leaves I will probably going 4-5x per week, plus going on runs and taking the girls to our pool a few blocks over. I am hoping to finally lose this baby weight.
Abby is busy as usual. She is still doing her Mom's Day Out program at the gymnastics center. She goes 2 days a week right now. Starting next month I am moving her to 1 day a week, then for May taking her out. We have so much other stuff we can be doing, and it really ties us down sometimes. With Geoff gone I am going to be taking them to Sea World, the gym (which has an awesome pool and splash pad) and to our neighborhood pool. I figure I might as well do more with her while I can before she starts preK this fall. She is also starting Soccer next week at the YMCA. She is super excited for it and cant wait for her first practice! We recetnly took her for her first real dentist appointment, thinking it was okay because we have been taking her to the baby screenings since she was 1 year old. BIG MISTAKE!!! She has soooo much work that has to be done. She is so good about brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash we just dont see what went wrong. Anyways, she actually has to go to the children's hospital to get it done because she will be put out completely and be nose intubated. Also, stupid tricare doesn't cover much of this and its going to cost quite a bit out of pocket....all for teeth that she is going to lose in like 2-3 years anyways. Very frusturating!
Jordyn....well Jordyn is continuing to challenge us as parents. She is doing a perfect job of being a pesty little sister to Abby. She does everything she does, and has to have everything Abby has. She is definatly entering her terrible two's. As most of you know, she is being seen by Easter Seals, which is a in home therapy program here in Texas. She is seen by a physical therapist for her balance, a speech therapist for her feeding issues, and a teacher for her words. Lets start wtih physical therapy. We have always known she has balance issues and kinda been a late bloomer with certain milestones. Her teacher has really been working with her to get her stronger and better balance but is noticing some things are getting better, and some are not. Her balance is definatly improved, but she is still walking very inward, especially when she runs, her knees and feet sorta point inward, which could be affecting her balance. She is really pushing for us to get her "ankle brace" type things for her (I know you are thining forrest gump, but no not like that hehe) Her speech therapist is really trying to work wtih her oral feeding issues, stuff that she has had problems with since she was born. She realized now she is not really chewing her food at all, but rather mashing, and swallowing things almost whole. She actually choked in front of her on food. Her teacher is really pushing her to say new words, and she actually has come a long way. She started out a couple of months ago only saying 2 or 3 words and is upto at least 15-20 words now! Her 2 year check up is coming up soon, so we are going to be going over everything with her Doctor between now and then just to see what all is Medical issues vs just needing to work on improvements.
Well that is the basics of what is going on right now...alot of dumb medical crap...and it feels like its never ending sometime. But still, we are greatful for our family and our health. With both of the girls, I know things could be much much worse after how they started out, so we are counting our blessings for that. We know that if God will bring us to it, he will always bring us thru it!!!