Cutest blog

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Project 52: Week 28: Sleepy

It has been a super crazy week for us (especially us girls!)  We have been on the go go go since Wednesday morning.  We are in California right now with family, and, I have my camera (which I have taken a total of 0 photos with so far) but I do not have any of my editing software.  So, my newest favorite iPhone photo it is!

This photo was taken a couple of days before we left, just after Jordy got up from her nap. She was laying on me, on the couch.  So far, I have been very blessed with 2 sweet, sweet girls, who BOTH love to cuddle.  I pray this stays for as long as possible, because I will be so sad when they think they are "too cool" to cuddle with their mama :/
Taken on my iPhone4, used the instagram app to shoot and edit the photo.
My favorite part of this photo is the grainyness that maks it appear to be film :)

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