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Friday, March 11, 2011

Project 52: Week 9: Spring(ish)

Well, at first this week, I couldn't think of anything to do for my project 52 post and felt very uninspired (thinking of making a change and following some sort of new theme but not sure).  So far my themes have been pretty random, but for the most part all focus on our life, here in North Dakota, and the different things we experience here.  Yesterday was "warm" in Minot spring standards.  Yes it is MARCH, but up North, that does not mean spring is starting.  We will usually have snow on the ground through April, and last year we even got a random dusting in May.  Spring is my LEAST favorite season here.  Spring in Minot means SNIRT.  That is right people, I said SNIRT, and it actually is a word up here.  Snirt is the combo of snow and dirt and its gross.  Seriously, I will try to get a picture of it sometime...It makes everything ugly for at least 2 months.  Everything is wet and muddy.  We can't go on walks with the dogs because they come back covered in grossness.  I do love me some summer here though!

Anyways, yesterday I thought this post was going to be super boring.....

What does springtime in Minot look like???
There is actually some grass under there..and some of it is even GREEN!
(Yes that is WATER..not ice...)


These photos were taken less then 24 hours after the "spring photos" above! LOL  Gotta love Minot!
I gotta admit...the last 2 photos made this post alot more interesting I thought.

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