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Friday, February 4, 2011

Project 52: Week 5: Technology

Well, this week's photo is sorta lame. I sorta forgot about project 52 this week because we were pretty busy. This ended up being the only photo I took all week (minus the 3 sessions I shot in one day). This is a photo I took of my weather channel app on my Ipad. After living here for 2 winters, it still amazes me it can get this cold here. There has been a few days like this here now that it has been this cold, and even a little colder. And to think, Abby actually went outside and played in this for a little bit today. When it is this cold, I usually put 3 layers on her, including goggles, and I set the kitchen timer so she only stays out about 10 minutes at a time.

Here is what -40* windchill looks like:

1 comment:

  1. This is a lie, Geoff didn't post this, I did..for some reason it was signed into his profile and I posted it as him...haha.


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